Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Antisipation vs Apprehension.

As I approach land, I can see signs of habitation. Shelters in a sorry state of disrepair and neglect. But, faint puffs of smoke rise from glowing embers still smoldering in campfires. Some one has been there before me and recently, too. Although, I have seen no movement along the coastline.

I am still days away from landing. As I continue my course, details of my destination arrive into view, new things become clearer daily. Still, I feel there is much that I will only discover once my body finally touches this new land. Who has been there and where have they gone? Why are there no gardens or crops? What is set beyond those gigantic mountains that obstruct this new land's further horizion?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

True Value

Good land is hard to find. It is not only terrain or the vista that constitutes good land. It is not only a beautiful view or pleasant climate. Most importantly, it should be fertile. It has to be sustainable.

Good land will retain moisture for supply during parched seasons. But, will remain compact and solid for construction and homesteading.

Good land is more than just dirt. It is soil. Dark, rich earth. It is a delicate balance of organisms, elements and minerals. Good land is actually alive. It will nurture sprouts, hold roots and support life.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

The Great Deceiver

I remember when we first met. I was 5yrs old. I was playing just beyond the forest line behind my family’s home. My imagination was wide open. Playing with pixies and elves and ewoks. Then, a centaur arrived. You were with him.

No sooner had you introduced yourselves, did an atmosphere of  heavy fog decend apon this wooded area. My imaginary friends scampered out from under the wet blanket that was hampering down all around us.

 I became soo cold rite though to the middle of my bones. Paralyzing. I couldn’t move. As you approached me, I became warmer. So, I tried to back away only to become frozen again when I reached the boundary of your presence.

As the centaur kept watch from a distance, you displayed your secrets for me, as though you and I were best friends. You offered new experiences and had me believe they were things I would be learning if only I had a father.

You would leave as suddenly as you came. Leaving me to clean myself off with leaves and collect my articles that have been strewn about. Leaving me alone, as though my performance was to be shamed for lack of skill. You would always leave me hoping for just one more chance that I may not disappoint you.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Freedom Dance

Where there used to be something, now, there is nothing. Not even an empty space. Not a mark. Barely a memory. As high as my lungs will allow me to assend, the horizion behind me bares nothing.

All that I left behind has entirely desintigrated. Even my desire for what was, is dead. Also, my raft is nowhere to be found. I really couldnt care less, anymore, if I never recognize anything familiar ever again.

I am a seed from a now-extinct flower, dancing on breezes with Mother Nature towards new and fertile soil to sprout, root and grow. I believe the day will come that she will lay me down in her rich, moist, warm earth and I will grow deep into her again. As though it were our first meeting, new and reborn clean from all shame grown on that God-forsaken island. 


Monday, December 13, 2010

Above and Beyond

There is not a cloud in the sky, now. As I quietly soar so high above, I can see everything. Sailing ships, with their white sails set full,  look like white icing  flowerettes on a rich, navy blue wedding cake.  Although, from these new heights, Im sure I could not be seen from below.

From this great distance,  the ocean surface appears to ripple gently. But, I know what twisting and deceiving undercurrents churn beneath.  As much as I would love to rest, floating on those calm waters, I know I must not. Lest be dragged under and drown.

So, I continue flying higher and higher. But, warm air pressure builds to a cresendo where the air becomes so thin and cold that I loose consciencness and free fall. As I plummet through the mesosphere and auroras, Ive come to expect to regain circulation in time to avoid exploding through the barrier between ocean and atmosphere. 

Monday, December 6, 2010

Einstein's Laws of....

Warm rushes push me higher. Cool currents drop me lower. Im learning to thrust myself up into the atmosphere and mount air flows. Riding warm winds higher like a geyser. Cruising cool drafts downward like a waterfall. 

From new heights, I can see all storms. Bundles along the horizion like haystacks piled across a prairie field. However, much more dangerous. Ive learned to keep my distance. These hovering masses of electric black have tried to suck me out of the air from a hundred kilometers away or more. I have been, on occasion, knocked suddenly from my hammock of warm pressure to have cold air thrown onto me like a wet blanket and send me plummeting with confusion.

These floating mountains of fury. Intense shots of lightening scratch out in every direction.  Thunder calls to me like a father preparing to administer punishment. Safe passage beyond these tempests is perticular. Subtle movements have drastic effects apon increasing approach. Precise postures are required. I am confidant. 

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Learning to Fly

My power to fly isnt as wonderful as I had imagined. Not at all. At this point, I cant fly any faster than I could walk or swim. It is tremendously strenious and requires my complete, undivided attention. With these realizations, I must now except that land is further than 12weeks away.

I have never used my power to fly before. Sweat and tears fall from my brow and eyes as I continue to attempt altitude. This is absolutely the hardest thing I have ever ventured in my whole entire life. 

 I have no choice but to maintain constant focus on keeping myself  from plunging into the wide open ocean below me. Also, I keep focused on the land that is soo far away, now. I believe it is waiting there for me still. However, the only way it is going to come any closer is if I continue to fly towards it, no matter how slow or painful. It is up to me to use the blessings I have been given to either save my life or let land slip out of sight forever. The choice is mine that I am going to gain strength through practice and eventually reach my hearts one true desire. Land.