Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hold on. Let me write that down so I dont forget.

Sometimes, it is best to make a decision after we have had a good nite's rest. As the old saying advices, "Sleep on it and see how you feel in the morning."

Tomorrow is a new day.

A new day. Another chance. A clean slate. A fresh sheet of paper. However, if the previous day was written with a heavy hand, impressions are left on pages underneath. Teardrops may've fallen, soaked down through layers and left wrinkled spots for evidence that days before have been sorrowful.

There are indents pressed clear through to the back cover of this thick, ragged book. Like scars across an old man's withered face. Even under an occasional pleasant expression, there lingers impressions of past trauma. The most beautiful description cannot cover these blood and sweat stains that have seeped through and soiled every page.

As the sun rises and marks the beginning of this new day, I turn to the next page on the notepad of my life. Weathered and torn along the edges. Stained and smudged. This is far from a clean sheet of paper. But, just as yesterdays gone by, tomorrow has become today and, again, will leave its impression on pages yet to be turned.

Tomorrow is a new day. Another chance. Whether I decide to like it or not.

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