Thursday, March 24, 2011

Today, we dedicate this child....

Prophetic visions dismissed as childhood daydreams. Stifled possibilities. Forgotten realities. Persuaded to embrace ego.

Shortly after I came into this world, the elders gathered. They laid their hands on me, offered meditative prayer, anointed me with oil and received inspired direction for the young life that was resting in the middle of their sacred circle.

Not just another ceremony to satisfy tradition, this gathering revealed itself to be much more shortly after the invocation. What usually was considered to be a warm and receptive occasion, had suddenly become a nervous and rather awkward situation.

The elders, filled with ancient wisdom, knew better than to question or interpret as they continued to proceed. The collective faith held by the congregation shook. One person stood up and left the room. Most others lifted their heads from their reverant postures, trying to find assurance while exchanging glances amongst themselves.

The elders pressed on expressing unreasonable senarios and offering warnings of a very restless life.

After the benediction, there was no reception. There was no meal gathering. No warm family reunion. Confused, the congregation somberly dispersed and returned to their homes to try and forget about what they had just witnessed.  But, even to this day as I live and breathe, it has not been forgotten and cannot be denied. I am a child of God and his plan for me may not be as pretty as the rest but, it is just as important.

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