Monday, December 13, 2010

Above and Beyond

There is not a cloud in the sky, now. As I quietly soar so high above, I can see everything. Sailing ships, with their white sails set full,  look like white icing  flowerettes on a rich, navy blue wedding cake.  Although, from these new heights, Im sure I could not be seen from below.

From this great distance,  the ocean surface appears to ripple gently. But, I know what twisting and deceiving undercurrents churn beneath.  As much as I would love to rest, floating on those calm waters, I know I must not. Lest be dragged under and drown.

So, I continue flying higher and higher. But, warm air pressure builds to a cresendo where the air becomes so thin and cold that I loose consciencness and free fall. As I plummet through the mesosphere and auroras, Ive come to expect to regain circulation in time to avoid exploding through the barrier between ocean and atmosphere. 

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