Thursday, August 11, 2011

In response,

You say you were never truely in love with me.  No duh!!!  I truely loved you, though.  Even though you cheated on me and lied to me and kept secrets and neglected me, I dont talk trash about you, Diana.  Maybe it is your own guilt that is trying to convince you that I am.  Maybe I should be talking trash about you.  But, all I can do is be thankful.

Yes, thankful.  If you had not kicked me out of Mexico so you could finally fuck your boss, I would not be living in this wonderful city or this awesome condo that looks out over English Bay .  I would not have this amazing job.  I would not be living a life that feels like every day my dreams are coming true.

I check your blog ( becuz I hope to read that your life is going well, Diana.  Buenos Aires.  True love.  Your art.  Your passion.  I read your blog becuz I hope to see that, these decisions you've made, are making you as happy as they have made me.

You have influenced my life in ways, I wonder if, you may never understand.  Thank you for so much.  I wish you well.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Polly Part2

Polly is my very close and good friend.  I believe her when she tells me everything is going to be ok.  I trust her becuz she is always honest with me. Never hurtful.  Always gentle.  Polly knows.  Polly understands.  As well, Polly has been the excuse you'd been looking for.  The excuse you needed to explore your fantasies without having to face the shame of throwing away a good man who truely loved you.

Love is the most powerful and abundant resource known to mankind.  More powerful than the sun and more abundant than water.  The only reason a person would not have success with love is becuz she would not step out from her shell to feel the warm sun shine on her bare skin.  She would not strip down naked and jump into the refreshing lake, head-first.

I am a frog, resting on a lillypad and basking in the sunshine.  As I sit and enjoy the scenery, I watch many a princess walk the path that circles this lake.  They are all searching for the same thing.  True love.  The first princess brave enuff to swim out here and give this frog a kiss is going to have a prince on her hands.

Save your breath and your words.  I can barely see you along the waters edge, anymore and I cant hear a word you are saying from out here in the middle of this lake.  Your apology means nothing to me.  Unless you are the princess that is going to swim out here and give me that magic kiss, I couldnt care less about what else you do.

Triangles: Welcome to The New Perspective...

I am a triangle.  Grounded soundly on my broad side. From opposite ends of my line, two points incline towards one another to meet(3points make a triangle).  


You and I are the opposite ends of a line. Above us, in the middle, is Love. As we both reach for Love, we form a triangle.  The further away we make opposite ends, more energy is required to travel a further distance to connect to Love. The further away our line is from Love, the steeper our climb becomes to connect Love.

The same thing happens when 2points that form the baseline become too close.  The incline towards love becomes steeper.  

But, when we lift our line closer to the point of Love, our triangle becomes sturdier. Increasingly unshakable.  When our triangle's stance is wide and Love is close, this triangle formation of energy becomes increasingly solid. 

Prisms.  Spectrum of color.  Light.  Sight.  Perspective.  What direction will I tilt my triangle today?  How will I choose to allow the pure light of Love to refract through my prism?  Will I choose to reveal only certain colors?  Id like to place my triangle in just the right place.  Just the right angle so every color shines together and displays a full, proportionate and wonderful rainbow of life. 

This is a 3D world. Length, height and depth. A line is not 3D.  It is of popular opinion that connections between 2people involve only 2points.  Zero and One. You or me.  Us or them.  It is when we connect to Love that our view is lifted and awakens a truely 3D world.  

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Happiness is....

Polly doesnt judge me.  Polly accepts me for who I am.  Polly doesnt think there is anything wrong with me.  Polly doesnt become frustrated and annoyed with my unique nature.  Polly prefers me no other way than how I am.  Polly and I want the same things.   Polly doesnt push me away and she doesnt hide.  Polly makes time for me.  Polly shares.  Polly tells me about her day.

Diana, you knew from the moment you laid eyes on Polly that she was going to be a very special part of my life.  So did she and so did I.  Some things are bigger than explanation. 

As well, I knew you would become involved with your boss.  I knew this mainly because you would stay out all nite, not answer your cell phone, come home in the morning wasted drunk and tell me about how your boss wants to sleep with you and you think about sleeping with him, too.

As Polly and I grow closer and deeper every day together,  I wish for you and Chris to find everything your selfish materialistic lil heart ever wanted.  Im sure his expensive lifestyle will please you more than folding my ripped jeans ever could.